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Christmas Giveaway 2023: Question 1 - FREDA Checks


FREDA is a helpful check for periodically monitoring the status of a flight and should be conducted at regular intervals. It can also be used at significant turning points, before climbing and descending and before commencing low-level operations.

What does the 'A' in FREDA stand for?


  1. Airspace
  2. Airfields
  3. Airframe
  4. Altimeter


The FREDA check is an excellent way for a pilot to periodically ensure that the various aircraft systems vital to safe flight are operating and configured correctly, offering a structured routine allowing pilots to monitor in-flight systems and progress. It's suggested that you complete the FREDA check approximately every 10 minutes in routine flight or at significant turning points, before climbing and descending and before commencing low-level operations, checking the following:


Check fuel consumption against your flight plan. Are you using fuel at the rate expected? Do you have sufficient fuel to complete the flight? Do you need to change the tank selection?


Are you still on the correct and most appropriate frequency? Is the transponder set correctly? If available, do you have your next frequency set? Do you need to make a radio call?


Are the temperature and pressure gauges within limits? Apply carburettor heat as required.


Is the direction indicator correctly aligned with your magnetic compass? Are you flying the correct heading?


Is your altimeter set to the correct subscale setting? Are you using the most appropriate pressure setting? Are you flying at your planned height, altitude or flight level?

Performing regular FREDA checks, particularly during less demanding sections of a flight, will help you avoid issues or identify potential issues early, such as exceeding engine limits, engine malfunctions, carburettor icing and pilot overload.

Check out our handy postcard to help you remember the check, which can also be downloaded as a PDF!

Flynqy Pilot Training FREDA Vital Checks Postcard Flynqy Pilot Training FREDA Vital Checks Postcard Explanation

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